What: This 3-day course provides participants with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to manage the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program. The class prepares you and gives you the tools to succeed in overseeing and establishing a successful team. Visit www.ready.gov/cert to see Washington CERT standards.
Target audience: Program trainers, coordinators, managers with knowledge of CERT who are committed to serving as Program Manager for their community, and are willing to assist teams to get their program off the ground and to keep it going.
(1) Referral letter from CERT sponsoring agency
(2) Completion of CERT Basic training (Online or in-person)
(3) Endorsement by state CERT coordinating agency
Interested participants must complete and submit an application no later than July 13, 2022. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis; class size is limited to 25, so register early. To register, contact Celso Rangel, celso.rangel@ofm.wa.gov or Kristina Kasper, k.kasper@ofm.wa.gov.