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Recipients and Honorable Mentions

Washington State Volunteer Service Award Recipients

We will publish the names of Washington State Volunteer Service Award Recipients here. Their names will be linked to stories highlighting their service on our volunteer story blog. 

coming soon!

Washington State Volunteer Service Award Honorable Mentions

We will publish the names of all other nominations submitted for each award period here.

American Legion Post #67, Pierce County

Angie Dorian, Thurston County

Angie Frey, Thurston County

Ariel Curtis, Thurston County

Bill Emily, Stevens County

Cheer Seattle, King County

Companis, King County

Dr. Christin Gilmer, King County

Esther Sadlier, Cowlitz County

Everett Community College Women’s Soccer Team, Snohomish County

Food Connection, Children’s Feeding Program Tuesday, Pierce County

Frank Elduen, Grays Harbor County

Frank Luce, Kitsap County

Fred Gylys-Colwell, King County

GrassRoots Garbage Gang, Pacific County

HopeSparks Family Services  Volunteer Program, Tacoma

Janiel Pancost, Skagit County

Jimmy Thompson, Pierce County

Joy Thielsen, King County

Karl Moore, Pierce County

Kathy Shank, Pierce County

Larry Cole, King County

Larry Williamson, Snohomish County

Liam Persijin, Clark County

Manohar Bodke, King County

Marie Lanese, Thurston County

Our Girls Empowered through Mentoring Service (OurGEMS), Kitsap County

Pamela Savagaonkar, King County

Pris Bowerman, Thurston County

Pulkit Ahuja, King County

Sarah Kochara, Snohomish County

Seattle  Children’s Hospital, Seattle Children’s Animal-Assisted Activities, King County

Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle Children’s Hospital Family Resource Center, King County

Seattle Humane, Pet Food Bank Volunteer Team, Seattle Humane, King County

Shaleen Lenz, Spokane County

SHIBA volunteer program, statewide

Stephanie Rake, King County

Stop the Sweeps, King, Thurston and Whatcom counties

Suzanna Sievert, King County

Terry Wilson, Pierce County

The House of Wisdom, King and Snohomish County

Thrive Communities, King, Pierce and Snohomish counties

Thurston County Realtors Association, Thurston County

Zachary Mershon, Cowlitz County

Past Recipients

For many years, these awards were held in coorindination with the Governor's office under the name "Governor's Service Awards."  This space serves to archive and honor past recipients of the Governor's Volunteer Service Awards.