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Gov. Inslee proclaims Sept. 11, 2024 Day of National Service

OLYMPIA--Gov. Jay Inslee has proclaimed Sept. 11, 2024 a Day of National Service and Remembrance in Washington. 

In 2009, Congress enacted the Serve America Act, designating Sept. 11 as a National Day of Service. It followed years of community remembrance events and volunteer projects organized by families of those directly impacted by the 2001 terrorist attacks. AmeriCorps joined families and first responders asking lawmakers for a National Day of Service designation. The Serve America Act encourages everyone in America to engage in an act of service that day. The governor's proclamation encourages Washingtonians to participate in this national effort.

Download a copy of the proclamation [PDF].

Read the full proclamation text: governor's 9/11 Day of Service proclamation

The State of Washington Proclamation

WHEREAS, on September 11, 2001, the American people endured the worst attack on U.S. soil in our nation’s history with courage and heroism; and

WHEREAS, after this tragic event, Americans united to stand together, to respond with courage and heroism, to grieve the senseless loss of life, to support and take care of one another, and to do the hard work of rebuilding; and

WHEREAS, in 2002, family members of those killed and injured on 9/11 joined with first responders and others to create “9/11 Day” to encourage Americans to pay tribute on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks through acts of service and volunteerism, and to keep our promise to “Never Forget” and

WHEREAS, on April 21, 2009, Congress enacted the Serve America Act into law, recognizing September 11th as an annual “National Day of Service and Remembrance,” and charged the AmeriCorps agency with leading this nationwide effort; and

WHEREAS, on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks, it is fitting to pay tribute to the strength and resilience of the American people through service to our nation and local communities; and

WHEREAS, by serving on this National Day of Service and Remembrance, we honor all those who died and were injured, pay tribute to those who responded in service and compassion, and recognize and thank those who continue to serve our country, including active duty and reserve soldiers and their families, veterans, and first responders; and

WHEREAS, September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance activities are being organized by a variety of nonprofits, faith-based and community groups, public agencies, educational institutions, private businesses, and other organizations and individuals across the nation; and 

WHEREAS, on September 11, 2024, all Washingtonians are encouraged to honor the fallen and commemorate the continued American spirit of resilience through service.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jay Inslee, Governor of the state of Washington, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2024 as

Day of Service and Remembrance in Washington, and I urge all people in our state to join me in this special observance

Signed this 8th day of August, 2024

Governor Jay Inslee