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Our Commission

A 20-member board of Governor-appointed commissioners supports and advises Serve Washington.

Its role is to carry out the mission and goals of the State Service Plan and to fulfill the statutory responsibilities for state service commissions under the authorized by 42 U.S.C. § 12638 and outlined in 45 CFR 2550.50 National and Community Service Trust Act of 1990 as amended by the Serve America Act.

Commissioners serve no more than three consecutive full three-year terms. They do not receive a salary. Commissioners function as “ambassadors of service" within their sector and in local communities to promote service opportunities and encourage volunteerism by all Washingtonians.

Our commissioners believe:

  • National service, volunteerism, and civic engagement are fundamental to achieve equity, strengthen communities, and improve lives.
  • National service resources are accessible to all communities to help meet their critical needs.
  • Volunteerism promotes bonds across various races, cultures, beliefs, backgrounds and experiences.
  • Service is a pathway to education and employment.

How to serve on the commisison

To get answers to some FAQ, please visit our apply for appointment to the commision page.

If you'd like to serve on our commission, submit your application through the goveror's boards and commissions page.


Jonathan Arakawa
Klallam Language Teacher
Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe

Liahann Bannerman
Director, Volunteer Center
United Way of King County

Maj. General Bret D. Daugherty
Previous Adjutant General
Washington Military Department

Amy Ezzo
Program Manager, Volunteer Workforce Development Program Manager
Providence Sweedish

Ann Gray
Associate Director, TPEP Educator Effectiveness Department
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Michael Grayum (Vice Chair)
Grayum Consulting

Mary Greusel
Senior Portfolio Manager, West Region
Office of Regional Operations
Corporation for National and Community Service

Diane Klontz
Assistant Director
Community Services and Housing
WA State Department of Commerce (Designee)

Nathe Lawver
Pierce County Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO

Marcie Mills
GEAR UP Director
WA Student Achievement Council (Designee)

Amna Qazi
General Public

Gabrielle Ryan
Community Programs Coordinator
City of Spokane

Joel Ryan
Executive Director
WA State Assoc. of Head Start and ECEAP

Thomas Tobin
Perkins Coie

Erika Tucci (Chair)
Senior Program Officer
Cheney Foundation