OLYMPIA—Serve Washington’s Washington Climate Corps Network, WCCN, has awarded $1.38 million in grants among seven community organizations to support projects centered on addressing climate change.
Grants from the WCCN are made possible through funding from the Washington Climate Commitment Act, CCA. Revenue from the CCA supports projects, programs and jobs that reduce pollution, improve the health, safety and resilience of neighborhoods and communities across Washington.
“As stewards of funding from the Climate Commitment Act, we are committed to ensuring these resources are used as intended—to build a more climate-resilient Washington,” said Washington Climate Corps Network Director, Matt Glazewski. “The organizations we selected for these grants stood out for their clear vision in addressing the harmful impacts of climate change while fostering resilient communities. Their work focuses on uplifting communities that are disproportionately affected by climate challenges. Washington has long been a leader in creating climate-resilient communities, and as we look to the future, fighting climate change will require an economy focused on mitigation and adaptation. Through the Washington Climate Corps Network, we are taking the first steps to build this critical workforce. These grants are the foundation for creating green, efficient careers that will lead the way in addressing the climate crisis and building a sustainable, equitable future.”
The Washington Climate Corps Network, WCCN, is a network of service organizations supported by community and state allies working to address climate change in Washington through investments in climate-related service opportunities. Members serving with WCCN-affiliated programs help build climate resilient communities, economies and ecosystems while receiving training, education and career pathway exposure.
WCCN programs support climate-related service opportunities in “overburdened communities,” areas where populations face combined, multiple environmental harms and health impacts. People serving in WCCN programs will work on projects such as clean diesel locomotive retrofits, participate in construction trade pre-apprenticeships, author climate action plans and more.
The WCCN accepts applications for grant funding on an ongoing basis. Anyone interested in applying for funding should visit the WCCN webpage for instructions.
The following organizations have received funding:
CivicSpark - $346,200
WCCN funding will support three CivicSpark fellowship programs. CivicSpark fellowships are AmeriCorps programs that place individuals with local government agencies and community organizations build their capacity to address community resilience issues in climate change, public health and social determinants of health sectors. The funding will support a fellowship program with the Port of Bellingham and two fellowships with the Gonzaga Institute for Climate Resilience.
Gonzaga University - $248,200
WCCN funding will be used to hire a program coordinator and support staff and provide program materials for The Climate Literacy Project. The Climate Literacy Project serves students in the Spokane Public Schools as well as nearby schools in the NE Washington Educational Service District 101. It offers education resources, workshops, and hands-on learning experiences designed to teach students about impacts of climate change in their own communities in ways that inspire hope and action.
Western Washington University - $205,000
WCCN funding will support Western’s Sustainability Pathways program. This interdisciplinary program engages rural youth, undergraduate students and young adults living in the Methow and Okanogan valleys in opportunities to work in climate resiliency and sustainability fields. The grant will support placements in the Methow Valley School District’s sustainability Youth Corps, and other community-based programs. It will support Methow-based Western undergraduates working toward a climate leadership certificate. It will also help the Sustainability Pathways program launch a seven-month community resilience fellowship program in the Methow Valley.
EarthCorps - $196,800
WCCN funding will help EarthCorps launch a service project that will recruit EarthCorps members reflecting underserved demographics in King County. It will fund two staff positions who will provide support to BIPOC-led organizations in south Puget Sound. It will also help remove service participation barriers to EarthCorps programs by providing a housing stipend for EarthCorps members.
EarthCorps is a service-learning program that cultivates leaders and community partnerships to advance environmental justice. It engages young adults in activities that restore ecosystems, increase access to nature, address climate change and other special projects to care for the lands, water and people of Puget Sound.
Port of Pend Orielle County – Pend Oreille Valley Railroad - $174,000
WCCN funding will be used to recruit two Washington Climate Corps Network members who will be trained as a level one locomotive shop machinist and as a level one railroad operator. These members will have the opportunity to engage in renewable and clean diesel engine conversions at the Port’s facility in Usk.
Strategic Energy Innovations - $135,100
Environmental nonprofit consultancy Strategic Energy Innovations, SEI, will use the funding from WCCN to support the launch of its Building Efficiency and Clean Operations Network, BEACON. BEACON is a fellowship project that will establish a cohort of 60 fellows to provide energy services to the owners and operators of large commercial and multi-family buildings in underserved communities helping capture energy savings and comply with Washington’s Clean Buildings Performance Standard. SEI was founded in California’s Bay area and has teams in the Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina, New York and Washington, D.C.
Constructing Hope - $75,000
Funding from the WCCN will allow Portland-based non-profit organization Constructing Hope to enroll three people living in Clark and Cowlitz counties into its construction trade pre-apprenticeship program. The program is designed to provide pathways to living-wage jobs for people experiencing underemployment with an emphasis on serving people of color and people who are impacted by the criminal justice system. Program participants get exposure jobs and hands-on experience in home energy retrofitting. Home energy retrofitting specialists help reduce a building’s energy consumption though improvements such as insulation, efficient appliances and other measures.
The WCCN accepts applications for grant funding on an ongoing basis. Anyone interested in applying for funding can visit the WCCN webpage for instructions.
About the Washington Climate Corps Network:The Washington Climate Corps Network, WCCN, is a network of service organizations supported by community and state allies working to address climate change in Washington through investments in climate-related service opportunities. Members serving with WCCN-affiliated programs help build climate resilient communities, economies, and ecosystems while receiving training, education and career pathway exposure.
The WCCN is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act, CCA. The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at www.climate.wa.gov
About Serve Washington: Serve Washington is the state commission on national and community service and is a division of the Washington State Office of Financial Management.
Serve Washington advances national service, volunteerism, and civic engagement to improve lives; expands opportunity to meet the local critical needs of residents of Washington and strengthens community capacity while creating healthy and resilient communities. We promote and grow volunteer efforts in the state of Washington. These include AmeriCorps, Washington Climate Corps Network and Community Emergency Response Team, CERT programs. For more information, visit servewashigton.wa.gov.